Sven Laux | The Writings out on Dronarivm

The Writings out on Dronarivm

  • 12 Apr

  • svenlaux

April 12, 2019
‘‘The Writings’ plays out in the exact order in which the tracks had been worked on, providing an accurate account of the studio time in which these stories had been etched. During the process, Sven and Daniela became friends and the concept of the album itself has become about collaboration itself.

Typically when artists work together in tandem, particularly in modern classical or ambient music, the result tends to be loud and powerful, as the two voices compete for the sonic space. This is not so in ‘The Writings’, as the artists showed great restrain between one another, a respect for each other’s expertise. Piano isn’t everywhere on this album, nor are Sven’s ‘hollywood strings’. Both are present, along with many many more wonderful elements. But each is afforded its own time and space, in a truly patient but evocative and enthralling listen, best enjoyed from start to finish.’ read more